The LandSeaLot Observer – Issue 2 – December 2024
ISSUE 2 – DECEMBER 2024 – Happy Holidays! ⚓⛵❄️
LandSeaLot is a Horizon Europe project that seeks to integrate and enhance existing coastal observation efforts – including in-situ, satellite, modelling and citizen science – to better study the land-sea interface area, where terrestrial and marine habitats meet.
Welcome Note: Dominique Durand
Let’s Observe Together!
35 years ago, I had the chance to combine two of my passions: marine ecology, and scuba diving. Working with one of the first citizen science projects in France, I collaborated with skilled divers to collect crucial scientific data on benthic ecosystems. A few years later, I initiated a “Diving4Science” programme in the Indian Ocean for the monitoring of coral reefs. These experiences taught me the value of uniting different streams of knowledge to grow our shared understanding of the ocean.
And that’s what LandSeaLot is all about: defragmenting knowledge, integrating skills and optimising resources. Drawing together scientists, decision-makers, research infrastructures, local communities, citizen scientists and many others who are contributing to observing the land-sea interface area, the project’s goal is to develop a common observation strategy that will fill data gaps, address timely challenges and support science-based decision-making and policy.
This integration is already well underway. In recent months, we established new fora to support LandSeaLot’s mission: a Science Community Forum comprising 15 experts from relevant domains, a Co-Designer Forum involving high-level European organisations and institutions, and a local and regional stakeholders forum that will test and pilot actions in the nine LandSeaLot Integration Labs across Europe.
In the new year, all these communities will come together for the first LandSeaLot Integration Week in Lisbon, Portugal, with the ambition to endorse a common vision for the observation of the land-sea interface area. And the LandSeaLot Citizen Science Hub will soon see the light. The work ahead offers a unique opportunity for interaction and knowledge sharing across communities, and will help us set solid grounds for co-developing and realising a common observation strategy.
You’ll find more details on LandSeaLot Integration Week below, along with exciting project insights and updates.
Thank you for joining us – now, Let’s Read Together!
Dominique Durand
Co-lead, LandSeaLot Work Package 2
LandSeaLot Integration Week – 20-24 January 2025
Join us in Lisbon, Portugal! The inaugural LandSeaLot Integration Week will include sessions at the Lisbon Aquarium and Communications Museum, plus a special visit to the Tagus and Sado Estuaries System Integration Lab.
Lisbon, Portugal, and the Tagus River are featured in
this image captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission
Exploring the Tagus and Sado Estuaries System LandSeaLot Integration Lab
With a site visit on the agenda for Integration Week, now’s a great time to explore the work of the Tagus and Sado Estuaries System Integration Lab.
Unpacking Plastic Pollution at the Land-Sea Interface
“Plastic pollution is one of the major problems of river-sea systems worldwide.” Learn how LandSeaLot is addressing pollution holistically by tracing its pathways from land to sea with Dr. Irina Stanciu and Dr. Adrian Stanica, co-leads of the Danube Delta and Coastal Area Integration Lab.
Reliable Sensors and Robust Testing: Understanding Technical Needs at the LandSeaLot Integration Labs
From small coin-shaped sensors measuring temperature, to autonomous sensors fixed to moored boats, explore how cost-effective technology is helping LandSeaLot achieve its objectives.
Lately at the Labs: Stakeholder Workshops Continue
Catch up with the latest news from the LandSeaLot Integration Labs (LILs), who have been meeting with stakeholders and shaping roadmaps for collaboration.
Soraia Romão @ OceanPredict
Soraia (CoLAB +ATLANTIC) presented the work of the Tagus and Sado Estuaries System LIL and the LisOcean model at OceanPredict, which focussed on the development of operational oceanography for society’s benefit.
Maria Angel Hinestroza @ Ocean Week
Maria (Seascape Belgium) shared LandSeaLot’s mission at the Blue Manifesto launch during Ocean Week, spotlighting the land-sea interface area as essential to ocean health.
Irina Stanciu @ European Researchers Night
Irina (GeoEcoMar) promoted LandSeaLot at this event in Bucharest, Romania, which encourages youth to explore careers in science.
Antonio Novellino & Francisco Campuzano @ MonGOOS General Assembly
Antonio (ETT S.P.A) and Francisco (CoLAB +ATLANTIC) shared the LandSeaLot stories during this event, which brought together scientists from across the Mediterranean.
Dominique Durand & Laurent Delaunay @ EVOLECO
Dominique (Covartec) and Laurent (Ifremer) explored the future of coastal observation in Europe, in which LandSeaLot will play a crucial role.
Francisco Campuzano @ EUMETSAT Marine User Days
Marine User Days, hosted by EUMETSAT, focused on data from across the value chain and their applications. Francisco (CoLAB +ATLANTIC) spoke to other attendees about LandSeaLot’s use of high spatial resolution data from land-focused satellites and high temporal resolution data from ocean-focused satellites.
Vienna, Austria 27 April – 2 May 2025
LandSeaLot colleague Patrick Gorringe will co-lead a session on “Low-Cost technologies and IoT applications for Earth observation.” Deadline for abstracts: January 15.
SedNet Conference Madrid
Madrid, Spain 6 – 10 October 2025
SedNet 2025 will focus on the theme of “Healthy Sediments,” with many sessions relevant to LandSeaLot colleagues planned. Deadline for abstracts: January 17.
Just as we sometimes find little treasures in the sand,
this section will host the occasional treat
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Thanks for being a LandSeaLot Observer!
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