Inaugural Workshops at the LandSeaLot Integration Labs
Summary of Recent LandSeaLot Activity
The LandSeaLot Integration Labs are testing centres designed to pilot actions that address specific challenges relevant to their region, such as pollution, carbon fluxes and stocks, or prediction and adaptation to climate change threats. They are dynamic testing grounds that provide insights into the feasibility and challenges encountered in each region with the objective of facilitating the development of the Common LandSeaLot Observation Strategy.
Three months after the LandSeaLot Kick-Off Meeting, the project is progressing rapidly with the first LandSeaLot Integration Lab (LILs) workshops taking place. Since mid-June 2024, LIL leads have been organising meetings with key stakeholders in their respective regions to devise a roadmap for collaboration and knowledge sharing that promises to be mutually beneficial to our shared goal of co-creating a common observation strategy for the land-sea interface.
In this article, we will explore the progress within LandSeaLot Integration Labs. These labs have different focuses: the assessment of the lateral carbon fluxes and stocks, plastics transfer, nutrients impact on primary production and eutrophication, supporting biodiversity conservation, improving modelling capability and supporting climate change adaptation (storm surge, floods, heat waves, coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion). They work to integrate satellite data and in situ observations to enhance modelling and forecasting capabilities.
Participants in these Labs have shown significant interest in working with LandSeaLot, highlighting the effectiveness of LandSeaLot’s collaborative approach to land-sea interface observations.
The Wadden Sea, Rhine Delta and Elbe Estuary LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The Wadden Sea, Rhine Delta and Elbe Estuary LandSeaLot Integration Lab aims to showcase how enhanced data-model integration (in situ and remote sensing) across the land-sea interface area provides improved estimates of lateral carbon and nutrient fluxes and stocks and improved understanding of their interaction with phytoplankton. This will be accomplished using the advanced modelling and observation capabilities of three research infrastructures (ICOS-ERIC, DANUBIUS-RI and JERICO-RI). To kick off this exciting endeavour. To kick off this exciting endeavour, discussions were started with local stakeholders and experts both in the Dutch and German part of the Wadden Sea.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab Wadden Sea Workshop – Netherlands
As part of the EU projects LandSeaLot, NAPSEA and EDITO-Model Lab, Deltares and its partners are researching eutrophication – or excessive levels of nutrients – in the Wadden Sea. To support collaboration among stakeholders, Deltares organised two workshop sessions on 16 and 22 July 2024. Participants included representatives from NIOZ, Utrecht University, the Wadden Academy, Hereon, RWS WVL (the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management’s executive agency), the University of Twente, RWS Noord-Nederland and Deltares.
The goals of the workshop included assessing existing research and measurement initiatives, identifying knowledge gaps and exploring new opportunities to address eutrophication in the region collaboratively.
Participants came together to discuss ongoing collaboration efforts, water quality policy and the alignment of eutrophication targets for the Wadden Sea (under the Water Framework Directive) with those of the North Sea (under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and OSPAR). Opportunities for future collaboration were also discussed, with participants expressing interest in exchanging information on monitoring efforts including low-cost sensors and citizen science, as well as carbon fluxes and other relevant topics.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab Wadden Sea Workshop – Germany
The second workshop was held in Germany as a series of meetings with key local stakeholders on the 20 and 24 June and 10 August 2024. Participants included representatives from the Elbe River and Basin Community, the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Protection, the Wadden Sea Conservation Station, and the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.
Each meeting began with brief introductions, followed by a presentation on LandSeaLot and the work planned for the Wadden Sea Rhine Elbe Integration Lab. Sessions concluded with productive discussions on stakeholders’ potential involvement in LandSeaLot.
All stakeholders were invited to share their professional needs for information on the land-sea interface, their suggestions for improving and expanding data and their perspectives on satellite data and numerical simulations.
The participants and their respective organisations expressed interest in LandSeaLot’s work and the value of being informed about its developments.
The Baltic Sea LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The Baltic Sea LandSeaLot Integration Lab will focus on addressing the uncertainties related to evaluating the Baltic carbon budget through integrated data analysis that will advance Earth Observation (EO) algorithms, alongside numerical models such as VEMALA, COHERENS, SEABED, and FICOS. These efforts will be complemented by in situ observations to accurately assess carbon fluxes at river mouths.
Furthermore, the Baltic Sea LandSeaLot Integration Lab is focused on evaluating the effects of heatwaves on cyanobacteria blooms (concerning algae) and the breakdown of dissolved carbon. This research aims to deepen our understanding of the dynamic processes influencing carbon cycling and ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea. These insights are crucial for developing effective environmental management strategies tailored to this unique region
The Baltic Sea LandSeaLot Integration Lab conducted two separate workshops, one in Finland and another in Sweden.
The LandSeaLot Integration Lab (LIL): Baltic Sea Workshop – Finland
Led by LandSeaLot partner Syke – Finnish Environmental Institute, this LIL workshop took place on June 14th, with participation from the ELY centres for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (VAR & POP) and the VALONIA organisation because of their expertise in environmental reporting and monitoring and sustainable development.
The workshop provided an introductory exploration of the Baltic Sea LIL, emphasising carbon dynamics and their environmental impact. Discussions underscored the critical role of carbon monitoring due to its impact on the ecological dynamics within habitats, influencing fish and plant species. Additionally, carbon flux was highlighted for its potential connections to mercury and other heavy metals in the ecosystem. The initial focus of the Baltic LIL project will centre around carbon-related challenges, with plans to address heatwaves in the future.
The LandSeaLot Integration Lab: Baltic Sea Workshop – Sweden
Led by LandSeaLot Partner SMHI on June 13th, this LIL workshop brought together key stakeholders including the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the County Administrative Boards of Skåne, Västerbotten, and Norrbotten, Umeå University (UMU), and the County Administrative Board of Stockholm (Environmental Analysis, Water Management).
The workshop featured a general project overview, presentations on proposed work within the Baltic Sea LIL, and discussions on optimising project applicability. Participants agreed on the project’s value and expressed interest in future collaboration, aiming to synthesise various measurement methods and models across the sea-land interface for more effective coastal management outcomes.
Seine Estuary and Bay LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The Seine Estuary and Bay LandSeaLot Integration Lab will focus on the impacts caused by nutrient inputs related to catchment areas on primary production as well as consequences of climate change and human activities such as maritime traffic. These factors profoundly affect the land-sea interface ecosystem, influencing phytoplankton bloom dynamics, sediment fluxes, morphological evolutions, and habitat changes.
The Seine Estuary and Bay LIL aims to improve our understanding of the ecosystem responses to anthropogenic pressures and natural processes, ultimately informing sustainable environmental management practices.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab: Seine Estuary and Bay Workshop – France
Led by LandSeaLot partner Ifremer, this LIL workshop convened on June 28th, featuring participation from diverse organisations including LandSeaLot Partner TransEurope Marinas, and GIP Seine Aval (Public Interest Group Seine Aval), OFB (French Biodiversity Agency), AESN (Water Agency Seine Normandie), HAROPA Port Le Havre (Port Authority), HAROPA Port Rouen (Port Authority), Normandy Coastal Monitoring Unit (CSLN), Le Havre Harbour Master, and SMEL (Synergie Mer et Littoral – R&D Aquaculture).
The workshop concluded with highly positive feedback on LandSeaLot’s ambitious goals and a strong willingness from participants to work with LanSeaLot. With possible contributions around data sharing and expanding observations within the land-sea interface framework. Participants also expressed interest in the integration of in situ and satellite data into models to contextualise observations and enhance understanding of estuary-sea functioning, prompting plans for further discussions on this topic before 2024 concludes.
Po Delta and North Adriatic LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The Po Delta and North Adriatic LandSeaLot Integration Lab unites three Research Infrastructures—DANUBIUS-RI, JERICO-RI, and ICOS-ERIC—to address significant environmental and socio-economic challenges in the region. The lab’s main focus is on assessing lateral carbon fluxes from the riverine system, flood risks from storm surges and increased saltwater intrusion, which significantly impact the Po River delta. This latter challenge poses major threats to water supply and agriculture, highlighting the need for holistic solutions.
The LIL will test the integration of data streams from in situ observations and satellite data, aiming to provide a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the region’s environmental dynamics, ultimately contributing to its resilience and sustainability.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab: Po Delta and North Adriatic Workshop – Italy
On July 1st, this LIL, led by LandSeaLot partner Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), brought together key participants including ARPA FVG (Environmental Agency of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region), ISPRA (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), ARPA Emilia Romagna (Regional Environmental Agency). Moreover, representatives of the three ESFRI RIs DANUBIUS-RI, JERICO-rI and ICOS ERIC were present.
Discussions during the LIL were productive and extended beyond the immediate action plan, offering valuable insights into overarching LandSeaLot project goals. A key takeaway was the general interest and the declared willingness to be involved from stakeholders, who play pivotal roles in data acquisition in the region. They expressed readiness to share knowledge, highlighting their established procedures for data acquisition and sharing.
Danube Delta and Coastal Areas LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The Danube Delta LandSeaLot Integration Lab focuses on the development of a coastal sediment budget under combined human and climate pressures as well as the inputs of pollutants from the Danube River to the North-West Black Sea through the Delta. In LandSeaLot, the Danube Delta Integration Lab is tasked with filling observation gaps by integrating information from numerical models at the catchment and coastal scale with in situ and remote sensing data.
This LandSeaLot Integration Lab has the support of DANUBIUS-RI, a research infrastructure that provides facilities to researchers working within Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, as well as supporting opportunities to create synergies with established stakeholder communities.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab: Danube Delta and Coastal Areas Workshop – Romania
The first Danube Delta and Coastal Areas LIL Workshop took place on the 12th of July, led by GeoEcoMar with participants from academia, research institutes, local NGOs and local authorities. Of special note, the workshop was also attended by Dobrogea-Litoral Romanian Waters National Administration (ABADL), the Romanian Maritime Hydrographic Directorate (DHM), the Romanian National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa“Constanta, and the University of Bucharest.
Following a presentation about the LandSeaLot project and the key challenges facing the Danube Delta Coast Integration Lab, participants considered the potential impact their organisations could have on the LandSeaLot objectives. They discussed how they could contribute to addressing gaps in observation, including enhancing data sharing, promoting citizen science, and utilising cost-effective sensors. The workshop was deemed a success, with all participants expressing their willingness to contribute to the LandSeaLot Common Observation Strategy for the land-sea interface area.
North Aegean LandSeaLot Integration Lab
The North Aegean LandSeaLot Integration Lab is located in an area under threat from plastic and nutrient pollution due to human activities and inputs from the Dardanelles Straits. The lab focuses on evaluating integrated approaches to trace plastic pathways from rivers to the sea and in assessing the impact of nutrient inputs on the ecosystem’s trophic status.
This integration lab is supported by JERICO-RI, ICOS-ERIC, DANUBIUS-RI and national (HIMIOFOTS) research infrastructures and facilities.
LandSeaLot Integration Lab: North Aegean Workshop – Greece
HCMR held the first workshop at the North Aegean LandSeaLot Integration Lab in the premises of the Evros Delta and Dadia National Parks management unit in Alexandroupoli, Greece on the 18th of August 2024. Organised by Constantin Frangoulis, Elias Dimitriou, George Papaioannou and Anna Konstantinidou, the workshop was attended by representatives from National Parks (MDPP Evros and Dadia), Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA), Ministry of Environment and Energy, representatives of the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (PAMTH), the Evros Prefecture, Demokritos University of Thrace (local University) and the local fishermen’s association.
There was broad consensus among the participants that the collaboration of HCMR through LandSealot with the local communities is key to successfully addressing local societal challenges. By sharing LandSeaLot’s advanced technology and data management skills with the local stakeholders, and in return benefitting from their expertise of local environmental challenges, we can ensure effective field operations and maximise the positive impacts of the project.
Next steps for the LandSeaLot Integration Labs
In the coming months, workshops for the LandSeaLot Integration Labs in the Firth of Forth, Wadden Sea, Rhine Delta and Elbe Estuary, Danube Delta, Gulf of Lions-Rhone Delta, Tagus and Sado Estuaries System, and North Aegean are scheduled.
These workshops have highlighted the critical role of integrated research and cooperation among stakeholders in addressing complex environmental challenges, from assessing carbon fluxes and mitigating flood risks to improving data acquisition and sharing best-practices. The insights gained will catalyse innovation and collective action, laying a foundation for safeguarding land-sea interface environments against present and future threats.
Stay tuned for summaries and updates on LandSeaLot’s progress at the LILs.
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