
Currently there are many communities making land-sea interface area observation data available across various scientific domains (e.g., in situ, satellite, citizen science). Yet, there is no agreement on a common observation strategy guiding collaboration between communities. LandSeaLot’s overarching objective is to defragment these communities, bringing together scientific expertise with relevant stakeholders to co-design a common strategy, which will address observation challenges, streamline and improve the existing systems across domains that will be validated through pilot initiatives in the LandSeaLot Integration labs (LIBs) while addressing nine societal and environmental challenges.

LandSeaLot will achieve this goal through the following eight specific objectives:

I. Strengthening collaboration and improving governance for the observation of the land-sea interface area

Defragmenting communities and improving governance for observation of the land-sea interface area by linking scientific observation communities (in situ, satellite, modelling, and citizen science), Research Infrastructures (i.e. DANUBIUS, JERICO, ICOS), European and international stakeholders (i.e. ESA, European Environmental Agency, Copernicus Marine, Land and Climate services, EMODnet and GEOSS) towards co-designing a Common Observation Strategy for the land-sea interface area.

II. Enhancing data interoperability

Developing interoperability standards to harmonise in situ, satellite, and citizen science data, improving data exchange and collaboration across observing communities.

III. Expanding observation capacity

Deploying citizen science and low-cost sensors to fill observation gaps, empowering citizens to contribute to environmental science, developing data management solution to ensure FAIR data flows to European aggregators (i.e., EMODnet).

IV. Addressing data gaps

Identifying and addressing data gaps across observation communities (in situ, satellite, modelling and citizen science) through common protocols, multi-sensor satellite products, and modelling approaches.

V. Improving modelling and forecasting

Enhancing land-sea modelling and forecasting capacity to support the development of the European Digital Twin Ocean (a digital replica of Ocean systems and processes), integrating observation-based products with satellite data and in situ observations.

VI. Supporting better governance of the land-sea interface area

Bringing together experts from JERICO-RI, DANUBIUS-RI, and ICOS-ERIC, alongside leaders in citizen science, policy, and coastal management, the LandSeaLot Integration Labs (pilot centres) aim to customise integrated observations. These observations will offer insights to tackle local challenges, encompassing assessments of lateral carbon flux and stock, plastics transfer, nutrient impact on primary production and eutrophication. The LandSeaLot Integration Labs will support biodiversity conservation, improve modelling capabilities, and assist in climate change adaptations such as storm surges, floods, heat waves, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. such as storm surges, floods, heat waves, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion

VII. Ensuring Long-Term Impact

Establishing mechanisms for long-lasting commitments to the Common Observation Strategy and engaging organisations in developing data aggregators and interoperability standards.

VIII. Promoting European Leadership

Sharing strategies, standards, key takeaways and best practices through policy briefs, training sessions, and engagement with European and global initiatives to bolster European leadership in land-sea interface area observation.