Irina Stanciu

WP2, WP5, WP7 | GeoEcoMar

Irina is currently a Scientific Researcher at the Romanian National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar, following a 10-years career as Geography Teacher.

Focused on geological interpretation of geophysical data, geodynamics, (active) tectonics and neotectonics, geomorphology, remote sensing. Irina is passionate about preserving and protecting the environment.

With more than seven years of experience in various European scientific research projects of the highest importance for the Black Sea region and its coastal area, Irina developed skills required to respond to the challenges of Science Diplomacy and gained valuable experience in advanced analysis of the scientific needs and existing gaps as well as service-driven and impact-oriented approaches of excellence science.

In LandSeaLot, Irina is contributing to building a Joint Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea Interface in Work Package2, and to the long-term project’s impact and legacy in Work Package7.

She is a licensed UAV pilot, performing aerial surveys (photogrammetry for geomorphological change observing and monitoring on the Romanian Black Sea coastline and the Danube Delta) using UAV systems, contributing to the in-situ observations in the Danube Delta LiL (Work Package5).