Let’s Observe Together!

LandSeaLot seeks to integrate, scale-up and enhance existing observation efforts, conducted by satellites or in-situ, including by citizen scientists, together with numerical simulations, to better study the land-sea interface area, where terrestrial and marine habitats meet.


LandSeaLot’s objective is to minimise observation gaps within the land-sea interface area by evaluating and rectifying existing gaps and overlaps in observational Research Infrastructures. It also aims to foster enhanced collaboration among citizen scientists, observers, and modelling experts. The initiative aims to co-create a unified observation strategy for the land-sea interface area. This strategy, designed to outlast the project’s duration, will facilitate strategic and collaborative services among diverse communities, offering an analysis of observation and modelling gaps while identifying potential areas for innovation and collaboration.


Citizen science, which involves public participation in scientific research and knowledge production, is gaining world-wide recognition as a valuable approach in advancing the scope of scientific research.

In citizen science initiatives, public stakeholders actively contribute to scientific investigations, yielding genuine outcomes. This participatory, collaborative effort enables the collection of data across both time and space, addressing critical data gaps that may be inaccessible without the involvement of numerous participants, including individuals with local or indigenous knowledge.

Integration labs

Bringing together experts from JERICO-RI, DANUBIUS-RI, and ICOS-ERIC, alongside leaders in citizen science, policy, and coastal management, the LandSeaLot Integration Labs (pilot centres) aim to customise integrated observations. These observations will offer insights to tackle local challenges, encompassing assessments of lateral carbon flux and stock, plastics transfer, nutrient impact on primary production and eutrophication. The LandSeaLot Integration Labs will support biodiversity conservation, improve modelling capabilities, and assist in climate change adaptations such as storm surges, floods, heat waves, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion.