Irina Dinu

WP5 | GeoEcoMar

A Water Resources Engineer and Senior Researcher at GeoEcoMar since 2010, Irina  works in the Interdisciplinary Research and Coastal Zone Management department. She holds an MSc from the Technical University of Bucharest and University of Liège, Belgium and a PhD from the University of Bucharest. Her past experience has been in the field of Water Resources Engineering and Hydrogeology, with her main focus on numerical modelling of the flow and transport of pollutants in groundwater. Since joining GeoEcoMar, she has been working in the the field of Marine Sciences. She is involved in European projects dealing with the Romanian coastal zone, such as: Italian – Romanian Bilateral Cooperation Project COMBS (2013-2014), FP7 RISES-AM (2013-2016), FP7 FAST (2014-2016), H2020 Water-ForCE (2021-2023), H2020 DOORS (2021-2025), Horizon Europe DANUBE4all (2022-2027).

Irina is mainly interested in the numerical modelling of water and sediment dynamics in the coastal zone, as well as in rivers and deltas.