Dominique Durand

WP2 Co-lead, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP7 | GeoEcoMar

Dominique is the founder and Managing Director of COVARTEC AS, a company established in Bergen, Norway, delivering consulting on EU coastal research and innovation and sustainable blue economy.

He has a PhD in Information technology in ocean science, and two M.Sc. in oceanology and in Earth observation. He had been heading the remote sensing and GIS group at GDTA, France, teaching earth observing technology and its applications worldwide; heading of the oceanography and Earth observation research department at the NIVA, Norway; heading the Marine Environment and Biotechnology branch of the International Research Institute of Stavanger, Norway. He has 28 years of experience with the EU research and innovation arena. He is a recognized expert in marine science and earth observing technologies as documented through his participation in a large number of international expert groups, and boards of public organisations and private companies.

In LandSeaLot, he is co leading WP2 on “Joint Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea interface”, and task 7.4 on “Building paths towards exploitation and legacy”. He also contributing to WP3, 4 and 5, with expertise on Earth Observation, in situ observations and modelling of coastal environment, citizen science and stakeholder engagement.