Rachele Bordoni

WP4,6 | ETT S.p.A.

Rachele is a Project Manager at ETT sS.p.A. and a Phd student in Marine Sciences at University of Genoa. She graduated in Marine Biology and she is specializing in development of ecological modelling and decision support systems for marine and coastal spatial planning. As Project manager in ETT, she collaborates in several national and international projects, making sure that the activities planned in the project are carried out, also by updating coordinators and partners in periodical meetings and conferences.

In LandSeaLot, she contributes to Work Package 4 “Increasing the observation capacity” by providing support in the area of cost-effective sensor identification and developing a dedicated procedure for acquiring the identified cost-effective sensors. She also contributes to Work Package 6 “Data Management and services” by supporting data management to produce data (and metadata) that follow FAIR principles and are harmonized through the application of standards. She ensures the interoperability and compatibility of sensors with LandSeaLot’s data management infrastructure and with existing external integrators such as EMODnet, Copernicus, and SeaDataNet.