Julia Vera

WP7 Lead| Seascape Belgium

Julia leads LandSeaLot WP7 on “Communications, Dissemination & Exploitation”. Together with her colleagues at Seascape Belgium, WP Leads and Consortium members, she will be contributing to the visibility and impact of the project, guiding and supporting the development of attractive and effective communications and outreach, in support of the Project objectives. She will also contribute to LandSeaLot’s efforts to evolve a Common Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea interface, and transferring relevant project results into policy recommendations. Julia has worked on professionally addressing environmental and sustainability challenges for the past 25 years, both in public and private organisations. She has an MSc in Economics from the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), she completed an Executive Development Program at IESE – University of Navarra (Spain), and holds a Masters in Digital Marketing (Online Business School).

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