Jos Brils

WP1, WP2, WP7 | Deltares

More than 20 years ago (2002-2004) Jos had the honour and pleasure to coordinate the kickoff of the EU project SedNet (European Sediment Network), which continued after the project was completed as a fully self-supporting network, engaging sediment professionals from all over Europe and beyond. Currently Jos represents SedNet as the voice for sediment in EU environmental policy trajectories, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Common Implementation Strategy (CIS), Strategic Coordination Group (SCG), the WFD CIS working group Ecological Status, the enlarged Soil Expert Group and the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Panel. Jos helped to initiate and was co-author of the WFD CIS sediment management guidance document (2022).

His passion for international networking and for sustainable natural resources management – especially sediment – led to his involvement for the past 10 years with another long-term trajectory: the construction of the Research Infrastructure (RI) DANUBIUS-RI. This is a pan-European RI aimed to better understand river-sea systems under the influence of global  natural change as well as the effects of  human activities.

Jos is the overall coordinator of LandSeaLot.