Ivane Pairaud

WP2 | Ifremer, LOPS

Ivane is a researcher in coastal physical oceanography at Ifremer, France. She has over 20 years of experience working on coastal oceanography processes, from river dynamics to internal tides and canyon dynamics, using modelling and observation data. She has extensive experience in campaigns at sea and the use of AUVs for measuring physical parameters. She is now interested in the best way to observe the coastal ocean, including the use and design of low cost systems and smart observation. She was responsible for a high-frequency coastal station at the Rhone River mouth for 10 years and still works on the impact of river inputs and other physical drivers on the coastal marine ecosystems in the framework of the French PPR RiOMar program.

She is contributing tothe planning of a long term observation strategy via WP2 LandSeaLot “Joint Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea Interface”.