Adrian Stanica

WP2 Co-lead, WP5-7 | GeoEcoMar

Adrian is a coastal scientist (coastal morphology, sedimentology, ICZM) and General Director of the Romanian National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology – GeoEcoMar. His main research interests are, among others, present-day coastal processes and human – nature interactions in the coastal zone and transitional environments, development of green coastal protection.

Adrian coordinates the development of DANUBIUS-RI – the ESFRI pan-European Distributed Research Infrastructure dedicated to excellent science for river-sea systems (on the Roadmap of ESFRI since 2016). Also involved in the creation, launch and implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Black Sea. General coordinator of several DG RTD projects (FP7 DANCERS, H2020 DANUBIUS-PP, DOORS, SUST-BLACK, Horizon DANUBIUS-IP). Also involved in the implementaton of the Danube – Black Sea Lighthouse.

In LandSeaLot, Adrian is contributing to building a Common Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea Interface in Work Package 2, and to the long-term project’s impact and legacy in Work Package 7.

Extensive experience in the field of research and management of research on coastal morphology and sedimentology and integrated coastal zone management, contributing to the Danube Delta LiL (Work Package 5).