Romaric Verney

WP5 Co-lead, WP3 | Ifremer

Romaric is the co-leader in WP5 and the Principal Investigator (PI) for Ifremer.  He is a research scientist specialised in hydrodynamics and sediment processes, as well as dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas. He is deeply involved in in situ observation programs, with a focus in deploying and analysing optical and acoustic systems for the evaluation of sediment features and concentration/fluxes in the land-sea interface. He has worked in the development of sediment numerical models and is a qualified expert user of the numerical platform (CROCO+MUSTANG). 

Romaric will contribute to WP3 (combining in situ measurements, ocean color observations and model results) and evaluate cost-effective sensors on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamic parameters (WP4). With fellow colleagues he will use this knowledge to investigate the impact of climate change on sediment dynamics and morphological evolution in the LandSeaLot Integration Lab Seine Estuary and Bay (WP5). 

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