Georg Umgiesser

WP5 | GeoEcoMar

Dr Georg Umgiesser, M.Sc in Oceanography (1986) and M.Sc in Physics (1997) at University of Hamburg, Germany, Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences (2009) at University of Klaipeda, Lithuania. Since 1992 he has been working with ISMAR-CNR Venice, Italy and is now the Director of Research. He created the modelling framework SHYFEM that is used in the modelling of lagoons and the coastal zone by many groups. He wrote more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is a member of the ETWCH-4 expert team of JCOMM on Waves and Coastal Hazards and represents ISMAR in the MONGOOS (ex MOON) network. In the new ESFRI infrastructure Danubius-RI, he leads the thematic modelling node.

In LandSeaLot, Georg will mainly work in developing and applying models to the Danube Delta, which lies on the border between the Danube River and the Romanian coastal zone. Main topics will be addressed, including storm surge, pollution, and sediment transport. 

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