Debora Bellafiore

WP5 Co-lead | CNR-ISMAR

Co-leader of WP5, PI for CNR-ISMAR in the project. I am an hydrodynamic modeller, coordinator of the Modelling Node of DANUBIUS-RI.  My field of work is on physical oceanography, shallow water processes, coastal and interaction processes particularly from a modeling point of view. My skills are in finite element modelling, coding and development in order to reproduce the hydrodynamics in coastal and transitional waters and  tidal environments. Main part of my work is also connected with the effort of the climate change community in the investigation of effects of globally expected variations on local scale, specifically in the coastal area. Within the project, the co-leadership of WP5 is meant to assure the reception and continuous interaction and testing of the Integrated observation and model frameworks (WP3) and low-cost/citizen science deployment (WP4) within the LandSeaLot Integration Labs (LILs) hence filling gaps in knowledge in the LSI. We will ensure to meet local stakeholders needs and produce adequate usable knowledge for their main societal challenges. Moreover, a regular dialogue with WP2 and WP5 will be established to guarantee that the “Joint Observation Strategy for the Land-Sea interface” is demonstrated also in the piloting action. As part of the CNR-ISMAR team, an additional special effort will be devoted to some of the model implementations to address the main challenges in the North Adriatic LiL.