LandSeaLot Integration Week 2025 Recap: Towards a Common Observation Strategy in Lisbon
LandSeaLot’s first Integration Week encapsulated the project’s motto, “Let’s Observe Together.” The event brought together diverse stakeholders involved in the observation of land-sea interface areas – including scientific experts from the LandSeaLot Science Community Forum and representatives of the LandSeaLot Co-Designer forum, involving Research Infrastructures and long-term European initiatives like Copernicus and EMODnet. These stakeholders...
Read MoreThe first LandSeaLot Integration Week continues with special field visits
The groundbreaking work of the Horizon Europe project LandSeaLot is being spotlighted in a series of special events in and around Lisbon this week, with a special focus on the Tagus and Sado Estuaries as testing sites for new methods and collaborations. Key stakeholders in the LandSeaLot project are in Lisbon this week (January 20-24)...
Read MoreThe first LandSeaLot Integration Week begins
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Key players in the Horizon Europe project LandSeaLot are coming together in Lisbon, Portugal for the first LandSeaLot Integration Week, taking place from 20-24 January 2025. LandSeaLot is a Horizon Europe project that aims to integrate, scale-up and enhance existing observation efforts – including in-situ, satellite, numerical modelling and citizen science efforts...
Read MoreLandSeaLot Integration Labs: Spotlight on the Tagus and Sado Estuaries System Lab
What is an Integration Lab? LandSeaLot Integration Labs (LILs) are testing sites for developing a common strategy for observing the land-sea interface areas across Europe. They are piloting new methods, technologies and community-based approaches to the observation of these areas, including river mouths, estuaries and deltas. Exploring the Tagus and Sado Estuaries ● The Tagus...
Read MoreReliable sensors and robust testing: understanding technical needs at the LandSeaLot Integration Labs
One of LandSeaLot’s objectives is to expand our capacity to observe the land-sea interface area (LSI) using cost-effective technology: affordable, reliable sensors and other devices. From small coin-shaped sensors measuring temperature, to autonomous sensors affixed to moored buoys and boats, this technology can be used by both researchers and citizen scientist groups. The technology is...
Read MorePlastic Pollution: Addressing Societal Challenges at the Land-Sea Interface Area
Interview blog “Plastic pollution is one of the major problems of river-sea systems worldwide. However, the Danube is unique in its complexity. It flows through 11 countries and its drainage basin covers 19 states, requiring international collaboration for effective solutions.” Dr. Irina Stanciu and Dr. Adrian Stanica of the Romanian National Institute for Research and...
Read MoreCitizen Science and LandSeaLot
Harnessing the Potential of Public Participation in Research Let’s talk about citizen science! This innovative approach involves public participation in scientific research, and it’s gaining worldwide recognition for its potential to expand the scope of scientific inquiry. In recent years, it has gained momentum with the advancement in information technology. Tools like mobile phones, apps,...
Read MoreDeltares PhD Position: Phytoplankton, nutrients and carbon fluxes in the Wadden Sea lagoon
Do you have a background in environmental science? Would you like to study the dynamics of phytoplankton and its interaction with nutrient and carbon cycles? Do you like to combine numerical modelling and data analysis methods to enhance ecosystem understanding? Apply for this vacancy and start your PhD research. Deadline for application: 08/09/2024 APPLY HERE
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